Yes, it has been forever since we posted. Kerala is doing great (although she did have a really fussy weekend). We headed up to Appleton, WI to visit one of Troy's college roommates. Kerala had a pretty rough time sleeping over the weekend, which makes me a bit nervous for our trip to Phoenix. Kerala used to sleep great in the car, so we would plan our trips around her sleep schedule. This was the first trip with her car seat facing forward and she just couldn't fall asleep, so halfway up to WI we had to pull over and turned her car seat around. It was really sad because within minutes of us being on the road she was asleep. The other not so great aspect of the weekend was Troy's college roommate teaching Kerala how to throw food at a restaurant. We are working on re-teaching her not to throw food.
Kerala has been super into the alphabet and numbers lately. She gets really excited and starts to dance everytime she hears the alphabet song and will throw in what sounds like letters at various times. Her favorite letter by far is "A" and if you ask her what a letter is she will say "A" regardless of what letter you are pointing to (although she did correctly point to B, T and Z about a week ago but hasn't done it since). Also, if you ask her to count she will generally say "two, three." Her newest thing is to say "hi baby" to anyone she sees. Troy and I took her for a walk this evening and she said "hi baby" to hipsters, elderly people, babies, you name it. It's cute though because she is kind of putting words together. We also realized that she is getting very good at repeating what we say.
So we leave soon for our trip to Phoenix. Thanks everyone for your input. Our plan of action is to give Kerala a new toy every 30 minutes or so (hopefully longer if she doesn't get board with the toy). The toys will be farily small, but things to keep her busy. Our friend Lara has also lent us her portable dvd player, so we will use that when she gets fussy. We did end up buying her a seat, so hopefully the fact that she is in her own carseat will make the flight a bit smoother. Troy and I are prepared for a rough flight. I will try to post in the next few days since we have over 300 photos that I need to download from our camara.