We have not posted forever and it's my fault - I have been really busy with work and the holidays. Things seem to be back to normal now and I hope to get back to regular posting.
We had a great Christmas and New Year's. Kerala is super psyched about all of her new toys, particularly her Curious the George doll and the Elmo kitchen set she received. She was really into reading Christmas books and would walk around the house saying "ho ho ho Merry Christmas." She actually still likes to read her Christmas books and will occasionally say "ho ho ho." She did get to see Santa Claus. The first time she saw him she was super psyched. The second time, she was psyched from a distance but did not want to sit on his lap. The third time, she freaked out.
We headed out of town for New Year's like we always do. The start of the trip was somewhat rough since Kerala threw up the first day all over Troy, me, her stuffed monkey and our bed. We debated about coming home, but ended up staying since she seemed fine after sleeping for a few hours. Fortunately, no one else got sick on the trip. We had a great time with our friends - we all shared a house and it was a blast. A little hectic with five toddlers/little children running around but fun.
Kerala still gets really upset if I hold another baby. Over New Year's I would try to hold Todd and Brandy's 3 1/2month old son and Kerala would generally flip out and ask to be held by me. At one point, Troy picked her up and said that Daddy would hold Kerala and mommy would hold Emmett and Kerala responded by saying "Daddy hold Emmett." Hopefully, she will improve over the next month and half - otherwise I think it will be a pretty rough transition with the new baby.
Kerala is doing really well verbally. She is constantly singing songs and will try different voices out when she sings certain songs. For some reason she thinks that Frosty the Snowman should be sung in a deep voice. Favorites of hers include the ABC song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus and Open and Shut. Kerala has also been memorizing her favorite books. She is getting to the point where she will finish sentences for you when you read a story to her and pause. Her Spanish has also developed quite a bit, she knows the words for mouth, eyes and will count to ten in Spanish although she skips dos and tres.
Sorry that this is kind of a rambling post, but I thought I would try to post something so everyone didn't think we abandoned the board. We have posted new photos to a December folder, but I need Troy to fix the blog link which I will have him do in the next day or so.