Well, my due date was last Wednesday and we are still waiting for baby #2 to make an appearance. I have felt some contractions, but not anything major or consistent so I really don't feel like this baby is coming out anytime soon. I honestly do not feel like my due date was this past week. Kerala has been cute lately with the new baby - she will go up to my stomach and say "come out baby." I don't think she realizes what that will mean for her, but it is really cute.
We have been doing well other than waiting for the little guy/girl to arrive. We have been trying to keep our schedule as normal as possible, but ready to drop everything if I go into labor. Troy and I took Kerala to her soccer and music classes this weekend. She did fabulous in music class. She was really participating and even sang some of the songs. Usually she just taps a beat or plays the instrument, so it was great to see her so vocal.
As you can tell by the blogged photo, Kerala still is very into her "10 lb lovey", the duck. She loves that thing and if she can't find it she'll start looking around and say "where did duckie go?" It's really cute. She is constantly "making" food for duckie and will place a plate in front of him and say "there you go duckie!"
Kerala has been trying to imitiate her daddy and juggle. It's pretty funny because she will just move her arms up and down and then throw whatever she was "juggling". Kerala has also been very into dancing lately and last night her and Troy danced to about 8 songs in the living room. Troy was exhausted, but after every song Kerala would ask for more. It was a great activity to get her tired before bedtime.
We are still dealing w/ throwing food issues. The sticker chart was working well initially, but there were a few days this week that she did not receive any stickers at all. Today though she received 3 out of the 5 sticker chances and was very excited about the prospect of getting a sticker after putting her bath toys away.
Hopefully, we will be posting in the next couple of days w/ news about our new addition.