Kerala had her first dentist appointment this past week. It went pretty well - Kerala has no signs of any tooth decay which is great, but the appointment was a bit rough. The pediatric dentist was wonderful. The dentist demonstrated exactly what she would do to Kerala on a stuffed bear, Kerala was able to sit in my lap for the exam and the dentist was able to do the whole exam and teeth cleaning while singing "Wheels on the Bus." Kerala was just not happy and screamed during the exam - understandable since I am sure it was scary for her. She perked up as soon as we left and headed off to art class. This past week was probably the coolest class yet. Kerala and her buddy Griffin painted canvas and then got to splatter paint on the canvas. They were basically trying to replicate the work of Jackson Pollock. Kerala had a blast and I can't wait to pick up her final work product this week. I can't say it enough, her art class is by far the best kids' class we have been to (and we have been to a lot). She just lights up when she talks about it and as soon as we walk into the studio.
I know I have written over and over about how easy Kian is as a baby - well this past week he amazed us all by not even crying during his flu shot. He just looked down at where the nurse stuck him with the needle and went on with his business. We also had the nurse do a weight check on Kian since I have been a bit concerned about his milk intake. Good news is the boy has gained over a pound this past month. He is still progressing with his pulling up - although he pulls up a lot in the bath which is not an ideal place for him to practice. He also kept trying to "swim" in the bath. He would lay on his belly and just flap his arms and legs - he was having a blast.