Kerala has been really sweet with Kian lately. Last week at art class she was suppose to paint things that made her happy and all she wanted to paint was Kian and music. Also, as Kerala and I were walking to a holiday market in our neighborhood this past weekend, she told me that she wanted to buy Kian something for Christmas at the market. It was really cute - she ended up picking out a somewhat expensive Mario Brothers ornament which I ended up persuading her not to get. Finally, she kept giving Kian little kisses on his head and telling him everything would be okay while I was comforting him after a fall this weekend. It's so sweet to see how nurturing she is with him.
Kian is doing really well. He is starting to move along with finger food. So far we have tried the Gerber puffs, shredded apples and cheerios. It's pretty cute because he will start to kick his legs when he sees the finger foods. He is also doing really well with cruising on furniture and will even move from one peice of furniture to another so long as they are pretty close to each other. Troy and I need to start video taping him - we were lucky enough to catch the night Kerala first stood up by herself on video, so we are hoping to do that again with Kian. He is still such a happy little guy and always laughs and smiles - it's just unbelievable how mellow he is.