After much planning, we had the kids' birthday party at Kerala's art studio. The party was an art themed party with the kids doing various art projects. There was a Pablo Picasso table (homemade scultping clay - cinammon and apple sauce mixed together), Jerry Garcia table (tie-dye t-shirts), Georgia O'Keefe table (flowers made out of coffee filters), Jackson Pollack table (splatter painting on canvas) and a Monet Table (water colors). Everyone seemed to have a great time and the kids were able to take home some fabulous handmade goodies. The only negative of the party was the fact that Kerala and Kian were both coming down with a stomach bug. The next week was horrendous at our house with everyone getting sick, which included our nanny and my sister Kim who flew in from AZ for the parties. Kerala and Kian made it through the party but you could defintiely tell they were pretty low energy.
With the kids' birthday came their one and three-year dr's appts. Overall the kids are doing really well. The only area of concern that came out of the visit was the fact that I have two very skinny kids. The doctor wasn't overly concerned, especially since they were both getting over a stomach bug, but we do have to go in for a weight check in a few weeks to make sure the kids get back on track. The doctor also gave us some tips on potty training which we are still implementing.
As far as a general update for Kian, he is doing fabulous. He is still not walking, but he is going crazy verbally. His favorite phrase is "thank you" and he says it non stop. It's pretty cute because he will give you something and then say thank you. He also will waive when you say "adios" and say something that sounds somewhat like "adios." I need to count how many words he has, but it sure does seem like a lot at this point.
Kerala is doing great. We have pulled out her bike wit the warmer weather and she is pedaling like crazy. It's actually great to be able to walk to the park with her pedaling on her bike. It's definitely a slow walk, but I am quite impressed that she can make it the whole way there and back.
And for the family news...we sold our condo (yay!). We are now starting to look for a house and hopefully will find something before we close on our condo at the end of May.