Well, today is my last day of maternity leave. I am not really looking forward to going back. I am a bit more at ease because we have a really great person watching Kerala. Kerala really seems to like Ellen and I think they will have fun together - I am just sad that I won't be around all of the time with Kerala.
This past week we went back to our yoga class. We had not been for a few weeks and I was a bit concerned about how Kerala would be in the class. Kerala had her best class ever. She did not fuss a bit and really seemed to enjoy the class. Also, Ellen and I attended an infant massage class for Kerala. Kerala didn't really nap very well before class, so she only enjoyed about half of the class. Also, this past weekend two of my sisters were staying with us for my Dad's memorial service. Kerala really enjoyed spending time with her aunties. Auntie Kim discovered that Kerala really likes it when you do cheers in front of her. Right now her favorite one is "Explode! Ignite! Kerala is dynamite!" Kerala laughs so hard when Auntie Kim does that cheer. She also enjoyed spending time with Auntie Heather because Heather knows absolutely every baby song ever written (and she sings a lot better than me).
Our goal for this week is to get Kerala back on a regular napping schedule. Right now she wakes up at 7:00 and then goes down about 8:00 or 8:15 and then after that she is all over the place. Wish us luck!
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