As you can see by the photo, Kerala loves to chew on everything. We thought her chewing was under control, but on Friday night she proved us wrong by biting off a piece of one of her board books. Fortunately, Troy was able to get it out of her mouth, but it was pretty scary. Sleeping seems to be getting much better. The last two nights she went down pretty easily. Last night I put her to bed with her still be slightly awake and she fell to sleep without a fuss. Tonight she cried for about a minute after I put her down and then went right to sleep. One thing that we have changed is that we have put something in her crib that smells like me. The first night it was a t-shirt. When Troy and I went to check on her she was sleeping hugging the shirt. When we checked on her again, however, she had the shirt covering her face which made me a bit nervous so we took it out. Now she sleeps with a burp cloth that I slept with a couple of nights. I don't know if it makes any difference at all, but I am hoping it does.
Kerala is progressing quite well on the crawling front. She seems to be getting up on a all fours a bit more consistenly rather than just army crawling. She is getting quite good at making a beeline for things that you don't want her to get. We definitely have to watch her!