We have had a busy few days - a crawl, sweet potatoes and a marathon guest. On Thursday night, Kerala started to crawl a bit. It wasn't pretty, but she was on all fours and crawling a bit. She has only crawled on all fours a few times since, so hopefully it wasn't a fluke and she will be on her way. Even though she isn't up on all fours, she is learning to army crawl and to creep across the floors - she is definitely mobile which means we are off to buy baby fences this coming weekend.
Kerala has started to really like solids. She now gets super excited for her feedings, which is really cute. Similar to her cousin Hannah at this age, she will start to wave her arms in the air once she sees the spoon. Today wrapped up her three day trial of sweet potatoes and she is a fan. Tomorrow we are going to try pears, so we will see. The only negative to her increased interest in solids is that she is drinking less milk, which isn't good. Today, she wasn't really interested in the bottle at all and Ellen struggled to get her to take what she did. Hopefully, this is just a very short lived phase and she will be back to her usual consumption of milk.
This past weekend we had my friend Laura stay with us. Laura ran and finished the crazy Chicago marathon. Great job Laura! We had a very nice visit - Laura even watched Kerala for us Saturday while Troy and I attempted to install Kerala's fancy new car seat. Unfortunately, the car seat won and we had to ask our friend Tamra for assistance (thanks Tamra)
Finally, this past week Troy and I (mainly Troy) set a new record for photos. Troy took almost 400 photos of his little baby. Most of the photos were taken when Kerala was helping daddy fold clothes (the blogged photo is one of those - Kerala loves to munch on her wash clothes).
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