Kerala has had a couple of milestones this past week - good and bad ones. The bad one was that she got her first case of the stomach flu. It was a very minor case, so it wasn't too bad. The other milestones are all pretty positive ones. She has learned to crawl while holding something in her hand. Normally, it's something small and she is able to move around no problem, when she tries to hold something like a 48 oz tupperware container (one of her favorite toys of late) she has some difficulty moving around. Her other big thing lately has been pulling up on everything. Troy had to move her crib mattress to the lowest level this past weekend, but unfortunately that didn't stop her from pulling up on the side of her crib this evening. Troy and I will have to figure out something since she if she falls while standing up she can get her legs through the crib slots. Hopefully, the fact that she is in a sleep sack will prevent her from attempting to pull up during the night.
This past weekend was our last music class for a bit and it was Kerala's best class ever. She was super vocal and seemed to have a ton of fun. It was also pretty funny to see her go after the toys that the teacher put down for the other babies - as soon as she saw the teacher take the toys out of the box, she attempted to make a beeline towards the other babies' toys.
Finally, I know our picture postings have been somewhat behind, but that is because we have been mostly shooting videos of Kerala. We will definitely get back into taking regular photos once the novelty of the video camara wears off - which I hope is somewhat soon for Troy since he keeps playing practical jokes on me w/ the camara.
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