Our biggest news to report is that Kerala can feed herself with a spoon. Sometimes, as you can see, it gets pretty messy - but she seems to have caught the hang of it. She was actually really messy in this photo because she would clap for herself in between bites and there were a few bites where she didn't get all of the oatmeal off the spoon. She has also added spoon to her vocabulary - although she refers to it as poon. Troy and I have been keeping a list of her words and she is up to just under 50. It's crazy - she will be using a word and we just don't realize it. Her pronounciation of some of the words is pretty cute - for instance, for coloring she refers to it as caracol. I don't know how she got that from coloring, but she will say caracol and then get out her pad of paper and go to the drawer where we keep the crayons. We are also proud to report that she has been signing and saying "thank you." You have to tell her to say it after you do something for her, but it's a start.
Kerala has a new game that she loves to play - hide-n-seek. The only thing we have to work on is teaching her to hide in different spots. If you ask Kerala to hide, she will run to the kitchen door and hide behind or stand next to the curtain. If you are trying to find Kerala then you have to go through our first floor and call out her name until you get to the kitchen door and then you tickle her. She thinks its really fun and signs for "more" so that you typically play it for 15 minutes or so which is an eternity in toddler time.
That's about all we have to report. Kerala gets to be more and more fun each day - she is laughing more and overall a pretty happy baby.
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