Another rainy day - unfortunately, we were scheduled to have the kids photos taken at a park today by a friend of ours who is a professional photographer, but that had to be canceled due to the weather. Hopefully, we will be able to get the photos done next week.
The kids are doing well. Kerala has been practicing her ballet dancing at home and insisted on wearing her tutu over her jeans the other day. It was pretty funny. She was even trying to make Kian do some of the sitting moves. She was also hilarious dancing in her music class yesterday. She loves her little friend Ella and she kept holding onto Ella's hands and spinning her around in circles. Poor Ella though - she reminded me of myself dancing with Troy at weddings. Ella and Kerala were really sweet though. After music class we had a great time at the park with Ella and her nanny. Kerala kept wanting to do what Ella was doing. It is really neat to see their friendship. I especially love it when Kerala sees Ella and she screams "It's Ella!"
We have entered the "trying twos". I didn't want to write "terrible" because generally Kerala is great; however, we have had some major meltdowns. I think some of the meltdowns are attributable to her being tired since she has a hard time napping but also think a good portion is attributable to her age. She likes her autonomy so she has a hard time when you say no (i.e., "No Kerala, you cannot have chocolate chips for breakfast.").
Kian is doing really well. We had his 2 month appointment and he gained another 2 pounds and 2 inches. Troy is very proud that his son is 95% for height. We will see how long he keeps up his crazy growth. Kian also appears to be on the verge of laughing. Troy will get him going by tickling under his chin and he has the biggest smile on his face. You can just tell that he absolutely loves it. He is still a really happy guy. He loves to look at Kerala and has the biggest grin when she comes near him. Kerala generally is pretty gentle with him, although today she kept wanting to pull his toes.
We are looking forward to a visit from Kerala's old nanny, Ellen. She is due back in town tomorrow and we are scheduled to get together.
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