Cheers to good friends and organic matter! Kerala, Kian and I were finishing up dinner on Wednesday when Kerala told me that she had an orange peel up her nose. I thought she was being silly and I started to laugh it off, but she insisted that she had an orange peel up her nose. She loves to peel oranges and is constantly smelling the peel. Anyway, I looked up her nose and what would you know - she had an orange peel lodged up there. I calmly called Troy at work and told him the situation and he suggested having the neighbors come up and hold her down while I tried to get it out with tweezers. We don't know our neighbors super well so I called Tamra. Being the good friend that she is, Tamra was over in 10 minutes flat. We both took turns trying to hold her down and perform the operation but we were not having any luck. Fortunately for us, Kerala's doctor's office has fabulous hours and were able to get us in in 20 minutes. When we walked into the office, the receptionist greeted us by saying "You must be the orange peel patient." Despite everyone's efforts (three of us holding her down and one person performing the procedure) we were unable to get the peel out - at this point I am starting to freak out a bit. The doctor decided that because Kerala did not seem to be in any discomfort (although she was getting a constant whiff of citrus) and we were dealing with organic matter to just keep an eye on it and squeeze nasal spray up her other nostril over the next couple of days - basically, we would either force it out or it would start to shrink and fall out itself. As Tamra pointed out, thank goodness we were dealing with an orange and not a piece of meat which would take a while to begin to dissolve. Good news is that the orange peel came out this morning. Hopefully we won't have any more episodes like this - although the doctor did say this was somewhat common for this age and warned me that if she put something up there once there is a good chance that she will do it again.
Other than the orange peel, we have been having a pretty good week. Kerala really enjoyed the disco last week and we were honored by going with Henry who won the dance contest for his age group with some pretty cool moves. Kian is starting to crawl on all fours - he still prefers the inchworm crawl but it seems likeeach day he is crawling more and more. He is also getting much better at his solids.