Kerala has two favorite activities at the park - swinging on her tummy on the big kid swings and "pushing Silas in the swing." I put pushing Silas in quotes because she imagines that she is pushing her friend Silas (I am pretty sure she has never actually pushed Silas in the swing although they have swung next to each other since they were babies). It's pretty cute how she will pretend to lift Silas into the swing and take him out. Kian is becoming fonder of the swings and seems to really like it when Kerala pushes him although we do have to remind her that Kian is too little for under dogs and not to push him too high.
Lately our conversations with Kerala have involved some pretty serious subject matter. We have been talking about how I am going back to work in a month and she has been asking some really good questions about it. The other day we were on a walk and she was asking if Emily, our new nanny, will take her to the park and I told her she would and then she asked if I would see daddy at work. I told her that daddy and I didn't work at the same place but that we would see each other for lunch sometime. She then asked if she could come to lunch with us. You can tell that she has been thinking about me working since she will bring it up at various times and ask questions about it. We have also been discussing her grandpas which was a topic I wasn't really prepared to discuss but she started to ask about where my daddy was. I tried explaining to her the best that I could that he was no longer with us. I know I didn't do the best job explaining, but for now she thinks her grandfathers are in the sky and was saying "cheese" to them on our way home from our friends' house.
Kian is doing really well. He has moved from a tummy position to a sitting up position a few times and is getting quicker with is inch worm crawling. He is also doing pretty well with solids. We started him on rice cereal which he seemed to do pretty well with and then moved him onto bananas (did not like) and apples (seems to tolerate slightly better than apples). I am also happy to report that I finally have gotten him on a nap schedule where he takes his naps at home. Right now he will take an am nap around 9:00 at home and wake up around 9:45 or so. Once he is up we are out the door doing some morning activity. He then goes down right after Kerala finishes lunch and will generally sleep 1.5 - 2 hours. If he takes a shorter afternoon nap then he will typically nap again late afternoon but overall it seems like he is moving to two naps a day. His bedtime has also been pretty smooth - he is usually in bed by 7:15.
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