Kian has had quite a month or so. At the end of last month/beginning of this month, he came down with a terrible stomach bug. He finally got over that bug and then got hit with the flu, an ear infection, and three new teeth all in the same week. We defintely had a pretty rough patch here. Kian is generally the happiest little guy and he was just so miserable the past week. He did not want to have anything to do with food which resulted in him losing quite a bit of weight. Fortunatley, he seems to have recovered and has his appetite back, so hopefully he will regain everything he lost before his one year appointment. We will definitely try to stuff him with some birthday cake to beef him up.
As far as positive news, Kian is babbling away and today he was saying "no no" and consistently will say "Da" for Troy. I am also convinced that he said "Kerala" but no one (other than Kerala) beleives me. He will also shake his head sideways for "no" and move his body back and forth for saying "yes." He is getting really fast at climbing stairs and stood up in our bed all on his own the other morning. For awhile now, he has been catching a ball if you throw it to him pretty slowly. I am still amazed that he has figured out that he has to close his hands to catch the ball.
Kerala is doing great - she is getting really excited for her birthday party. The other day she asked me if her best friends, Griffina and Ella, will be there. She does not quite get the fact that Kian has begun to get birthday presents and that she can't open them. Also, everything that Kian gets she tells us that it really belongs to her because "Kian actually has enough." I am shocked at the things Kerala says. For instance, the other day Troy asked her if she would like a little bit of cookie for dessert. Her response was "No Daddy, I would like a lot of cookie."
I hope to have another post on Sunday with pictures from the kids' birthday party down at Grandma Sue's.
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