Today was a pretty busy day. Kerala had her two week doctor appointment this morning. She has gained almost a full pound since coming home. The doctor said that this is great news and that everything must be going very well with her feeding. After the doctor visit and a short nap, we headed over to a friend's house. They had just had a baby boy a few days ago and were home from the hospital. Then after that visit some friends stopped by and brought us dinner and visited with us through the evening. All in all it was Kerala's busiest day so far.
Hopefully, a busy day will translate into sleeping some at night. She hasn't slept very much at night for the past two nights. Corey has taken the bullet for me though, as she has taken care of Kerala for the past week at night on her own. I've been luckily enough to log six or seven continuous hours of sleep, but Corey has been up every three hours or so since Kerala was born. Tonight though we are trying something new. We are introducing the pacifier to see if that will help Kerala sleep more through the night. We did a few test runs this evening and it did seem to work. If all goes well Corey may be able to get a solid four straight hours of sleep in!