Poor Kerala has had a cold the last few days. She is super congested and it's just the saddest thing ever. Hopefully, she will get over it pretty soon. Despite the cold, she has actually been in pretty good spirits until the evening. Right around bedtime she gets pretty congested and fights (even more than usual) going to sleep.
Kerala has started to sleep on her belly a bit. Sometimes she will roll over onto her belly and wake up totally upset that she is on her belly, while other times she is perfectly content sleeping on her belly. It's pretty cute to see her pop the binkie in her mouth and then immediately her head falls to the bed - it's amazing how comforting the binkie is to her.
As far as food is going, we have made some progress. Kerala actually is super psyched about water now. She is able to drink from her sippy cup, which is super cute. She has even taken a couple of sips from my glass of water as well. Today, was the first day it seemed like she actually "ate" some rice cereal. It wasn't a ton, but she definitely got some of it in her mouth. Our doctor said that once Kerala has mastered the rice cereal we can add a fruit to breakfast and a veggie to dinner. Hopefully, we will be able to do that next weekend.
The blogged photo is Kerala on the swing at the park. She really enjoys swinging. She is a bit small for the swing, so we put a blanket behind her - otherwise, she is perfectly content. Poor Troy had to listen to me say "not so high" about a million times (I am a bit over protective). Also, check out Kerala and Silas at their music class in the September photos. Kerala and I are really enjoying the class, especially since Tamra and Silas are in it as well.
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