Check out Kerala in her cute hat that Ellen knitted for her. It's great because it's big enough so Kerala doesn't realize its on so she doesn't try to take it off immediately. Thanks Ellen - we love the hat! Kerala definitely looks like an urban baby in it.
Kerala had her 6 month doctor appointment today. The doctor said that Kerala is doing great and was even amazed at some of the things that Kerala was doing during the appointment. Kerala more than doubled her birth weight (yay!) and is back to her 75% for height. Her doctor said that we should introduce solids now - start with cereal and once she has mastered cereal add fruits and veggies. We tried cereal again today and Kerala was not a fan. If there is no food on the spoon she will play with it and stick it in her mouth, but once we add the cereal she doesn't want to have anything to do with the spoon. So something to work on. Ellen is going to try to give Kerala a bit of breakfast tomorrow and we will try dinner tomorrow night. The doctor also gave us the go ahead to make our own baby food (everything except for carrots and spinach). Depending on how well cereal is going, Troy and I may try to make up some food this weekend. The only down part to the appointment was the shots Kerala received. She has been a bit fussy today and now has a little bruise on her thigh from one of the shots. We have been giving her tylenol and hopefully she will sleep pretty well tonight. It was a bit difficult getting her down tonight even though she was clearly tired.
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