Okay, it has been forever. I usually do the posting and the past month and half have been the busiest workwise since I returned from maternity leave with Kerala. I still generally get home for dinner and bath and take Mondays off, but it usually means that I work after Kerala goes to sleep until the wee hours. Needless to say, I have not felt like blogging at 1:00am. Anyway, I wanted to give a quick update and I promise to post more this weekend since we have a ton of photos to download. Also, Heather and Hannah - you guys will be getting your birthday presents shortly - not only have I been working nights, but most of the time on the weekends when Kerala is not sleeping so I haven't been able to send the presents off to Korea.
Our Trip to AZ -
It was a great success. Kerala was fantastic the entire time. The plane rides were smooth (except when US Airways tried to put her 5 rows back from us), she loved visiting with her Aunt Kim, Uncle Kyle and their two laboradors. Kerala would try to cuddle with the dogs which was pretty cute. We had a fabulous time and can't wait to go back (although we may not schedule another trip in August since it was hot)!
Kerala Update -
Kerala is doing great. Her 18 month appointment went very well (except for the shots which are always sad). The doctor was very pleased with her growth and vocabulary. We did talk to her about some issues we have been dealing - particulary, Kerala biting and hitting and we havve been working on trying to curb those issues. She has also been throwing food a lot, which is something that seems to be escalating.
Kerala is talking a storm and is putting together little sentences. Her latest (and the funniest by far) is her walking around the house saying "Shoot man!" Don't even ask how she came up with that one. She is also very interested in the potty, so we may get a little potty seat for her this weekend. The other day she had her stuffed animal go potty - unfortunately, that entailed her repeatedly dumping the kitty in the toliet while saying "pee!"
Finally, Kerala, Ellen and I are enrolled in Spanish classes. I take Kerala on Mondays and Ellen takes her on Fridays. If you ask Kerala to say "hola" and "adios" she will, but I don't think she knows what she is saying. Ellen said at her last class Kerala had some very promising babbling!
Family news-
Troy passed the bar exam! Not that we had any doubts, but it is a relief to have that behind us. Finally, for those of you who I have not been able to get into contact with, Kerala is going to be a big sister. I am due in February, so they will be about 2 years apart. We have been inspired by friends and have decided not to find out what we are having.
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