Kerala had a fabulous Halloween. She was really into the trick or treating as well as our friends' Halloween party. Kerala's trick or treating adventure started off with her going up to several houses and saying tick or treat but then, much to our dismay, walking away before they gave her any candy. Eventually, she started to let people put candy in her pumpkin bucket and she was super psyched about the full size milky way bar that someone gave her. She walked down the street with a death grip on it. She didn't get to eat any of the candy (I know, we are strict), but she did enjoy pretending like she was eating candy. She had an empty box of nerds and would take "pieces" out and pretend to eat the candy. With Halloween gone, we have been talking up Thanksgiving. If you ask Kerala what she is going to have on Thanksgiving she will respond by saying "turkey."
In my last post, I mentioned how we were going to get a training toilet for Kerala. Well, we did and she was psyched about it for about two days (she even used it a couple of times). Since then, she really doesn't want to have much to do with it.
Kerala's Spanish classes are going really well. She has been consistently saying por favore, gracias, aqua and hola in class. The last couple of days when I have asked her about Spanish class she will respond by saying "hola." There are two slight problems with the class: 1. it is an hour long and Kerala, along with the other toddlers in the class, just doesn't have an attention span for a full hour class and 2. parents are required to participate, which makes it difficult for someone who does not speak Spanish at all. Despite those two problems, overall I think the classes are really good for Kerala. We have enrolled her in another semester and we will see how it goes.
Kerala has been into singing lately. She loves to sing row, row, row your boat and wheels on the bus. Also, in music class yesterday, she was really into dancing with this other little girl. They kept holding hands and trying to do the twist during the free dance. It was pretty funny because the other girl was a year older and definitely grasped the concept of doing the twist and Kerala really just liked holding the other girl's hand. Kerala has also been really funny with this girl in class who is really shy. The girl will generally sit in the corner and Kerala will go up to her and try to hold her hand or hug her. In the last class, they ended up tickling each other which was pretty cute to see.
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