Okay a quick update....Everyone is doing well. We had Kerala's two year and Kian's two week appointment this past month. Both kids are doing fabulous. Kerala gained 2 lbs since her last dr's appointment, which was great news. She is 50% for height and head and 10-25% for weight. The doctor was very pleased with her verbal and physical development. Kian also had a fabulous appointment. He was about 9 lbs and had gained an inch and a quarter in length since he was born. We don't know his percentiles (I think we find those out at his 1 month appointment). The doctor said because he was doing so well with weight we could just let him sleep through the night if he wanted to. Unfortunately, he has not wanted to but we are still getting plenty of sleep around here. The only negative to his appointment was that he had a rash on his face which the doctor said could take a couple of months to go away. Since Kian's appointment he has started to smile a lot and is making the adorable baby cooing noises. He still sleeps a ton - honestly, this is the most mellow baby ever. We have Kian's 1 month appointment this weekend, so we will update with stats.
This past weekend we finished Kerala's birthday celebration with two birthday parties. My sister Kim flew in to help us out with the parties and help us get organized in general. While we had a busy busy Saturday, Kim and I were able to get some great sister time in on Sunday and let Troy take care of both kids for a couple of hours. Kerala was a bit overwhelmed at first with the parties, but she eventually warmed up and had a great time at both. Kian basically slept the entire time at the parties. It wasn't until everyone left that he put his party hat on and we had one of the worst sleeping nights with him since he was born. Generally, he will wake up once or twice during the night; however on Saturday, it seemed like he was up all night long.
We are still struggling with Kerala's napping. Kerala seems to want to nap about half of the time. I thought maybe her napping correlated with the level of activity she had in the morning, but I don't think that's the case since she walked over a mile this morning and did not want to sleep at all. The doctor was fine with her not napping, but did suggest moving her bedtime up if she seemed tired.
One final note, our Kerala's nanny Ellen left us this past month to return to school. It was a very sad day at the Smerry household. Ellen was such a terrific nanny and really cares for Kerala (as evidenced by the fact that she called Kerala on Sunday all the way from Guatemala!). We are still adjusting to a Smerry household post Ellen but I think overally we are doing well.
1 comment:
The kids had great fun at the B'day party, thanks for having us. Kerala and Kian are adorable.
I wish I knew about pushing up bedtime. Helen cut out naps around 2 and I did not realize she needed bedtime pushed up until after this whole sleep apnea debacle.
Not that you will need it but Children's Hospital has a great sleep center if you run into further sleeping issues.
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