Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Things have been going well around here. Kian had his one month dr's appointment and is doing great. At his one month appointment he had gained a bit over 3 lbs and grown 2 inches in length since birth. He is generally a pretty happy guy, although tonight he has been a bit fussy. This past weekend we got out Kerala's activity mat which he has been super psyched about. He rolls back and forth and has rolled from tummy to back a couple of times. He seems to be really close to going from back to tummy, he just gets hung up on his arm. I am starting to figure out his sleep patterns - basically he likes to sleep every hour or so. They are generally cat naps of 30 - 45 minutes unless we are out or if someone is laying with him - then he will sleep up to 3 hours. I haven't found a consistent time to put him to sleep at night yet, that's something we are working on. If we put him down he will start crying unless we are with him so a lot of nights he will sleep in our arms until we go to bed.

Kerala is doing really well. She is at a really fun age language development wise. Yesterday, we were eating lunch and she said "So mommy, how are you?" She also yelled to Troy as he was leaving the house "Peace out yo!". Her other funny thing lately is to be doing something and then pretend call her music teacher Mary to let her know what we are doing. Today we were finger painting and she held her hand up to her ear as if it were a phone and told Mary that we were finger painting. Unfortunately, she had paint on her fingers which then got in her hair.

We had a great Easter around her. Kerala was pretty excited about coloring Easter eggs and finding them the next morning. When we told her to find the Easter eggs she said they were in the refrigerator which was pretty funny. She was very excited about her basket and the chocolates that the Easter bunny left. Kerala had been asking about underwear lately so the Easter bunny included some in her basket, but unfortunately he/she accidentally picked up boy's underwear rather than girls. Kerala got to go on an Easter egg hunt with her buddies at our friends' house and we wrapped up the day with a visit with Grandma and uncles. Overall, a terrific day.

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