Today was such a wonderful day with the kids. It started with a trip to Brookfield Zoo with our friend Tabitha and her little ones. The zoo was great, although I think the kids enjoyed the park at the zoo more than the animals. After the zoo, Kian and I headed off to a mommy and baby yoga class (which was suprisingly intense) and Kerala headed home with our summer nanny, Molly. After yoga, we had a playdate/dinner with Chrissy and Sean. The kids had a fabulous time at a local park followed by a dinner of hot dogs and shrimp on our deck. All in all, it was an absolutely perfect day. The only tears from my little ones were from a couple of skinned knees at the zoo. Other than that Kian and Kerala were in the best of spirits the whole day. Finally, we have had some beautiful weather and we are definitely taking advantage of it. Tomorrow we have music class with Kerala's buddy Ella which we will follow up with lunch out with the kids at a local cafe. I am loving this maternity leave.
We had a great father's day and birthday for Troy this past weekend. We hosted a little picnic at a local park to celebrate Troy's b-day. Kerala had a ton of fun playing with her friends, Kian was pretty chill the entire time and loved being held by Chrissy.
The kids are doing really well. Kerala has been pretty funny lately before she goes to bed. She will ask that you lay in her bed with her and she just talks away. Every night she asks what do whales say and I will usually respond by saying "I don't know, what do you think whales say?" and she will say "I think they say hello." It's pretty funny. It's hard to believe that we are having little conversations with her since it seems like just yesterday we were in awe with the fact that she was putting two words together. Kian is still as mellow as ever. Today, he kept cracking up which was super cute. He definitley laughs a lot more than Kerala did at this age. With Kerala she would laugh at something but than it was hard to get her to laugh at the same thing twice while Kian will just sit there and laugh for no apparent reason.