The family headed down for Kian's first trip to visit Grandma Smith. We had a great time although sleeping was a bit of a challenge. We tried to put a pallet of blankets on the floor for Kerala, but she was all over the place (see photos). At about 2:00 am she wanted in bed with us - it was a bit crowded so we didn't get a ton of sleep at night. In fact, I kept getting kicked in the head by Kerala. Fortunately, Troy's mom watched both of the kids in the am so Troy and I got to sleep in until 10:00am. That's the latest we have slept in since Kerala was born and it was bliss. We were pretty tired when we got back home and were looking forward to a nice relaxing evening. Troy and I had just put both kids to sleep and were sitting down on the sofa when we heard a huge crash from Kerala's room. We ran in and she was standing in her closet crying. When we turned on the light she couldn't open her eyes, so needless to say we were freaking out. We asked her what happened and apparently she was swinging on a hanger in her closet and fell. While she did calm down in about 10 minutes she still wouldn't open her eyes so we rushed her to the ER. They found two scratches on her pupil and gave us some antibotics to apply at home. Kerala seemed almost back to normal at the hospital and was enjoying her 9:30pm popsicle treat at the ER. While Children's Memorail did give us fabulous service, they prescribed an ointment that we were suppose to rub over Kerala's injured pupil. We tried to apply it once and it was horrible, so we headed to Kerala's pediatrician the next day and got some drops to use instead. Kerala seems to have made a full recovery. It was pretty scary and I was balling on the way to the hospital worried about my baby's eyes. Very sad.
On a happier note, we had a fabulous past weekend. We enjoyed having Grandma Perry, Uncle Ralph and Aunt Julie over Friday afternoon, friends over Friday night and two birthday parties. Kerala was pscyhed about all of the opportunities to eat cake. Kerala seemed to have a good time at the parties although she did get a little freaked out about the live music at her friend Jonah's party. It was sad because our friend had learned to play Kerala's favorite song on the guitar but Kerala wanted none of it. When Sean started to play the guitar for her she asked to go home. Thanks anyway Sean! Kian was great at all of the events. He did get a bit fussy when we went out for Indian food on Saturday night. Unforutnately, it seemed like everytime he would calm down the servers would clear plates next to our table and make a huge noise.
Kian is doing great. He now consistently rolls from back to belly - in fact, he really won't stay on his back anymore. He is really enjoying his mommy and baby class. He gets a huge kick out of it and it completely wears him out. It's really cute to see him just light up when we do the various songs and dances. I just can't say it enough - he is just the sweetest little guy.
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