Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Fabulous Vacation


Our first trip together was a great success. The plane ride going to Arizona was a bit rough. Kian slept (as usual) and Troy and I felt like we were playing defense the entire time with Kerala. She generally did okay, but there were a few points where she got pretty fussy and we did get a couple of not so nice stares from the couple in front of us. While we were in AZ we decided to invest in a portable dvd player and that seemed to help on the way back. The biggest snafu on the way back was that we missed our flight coming home. Unfortunately, I got the flight information screwed up and thought our flight left at 9:20 when it actually left at 7:00am. Fortunately, US Airways was very accommodating and we got on a 8:49am flight. I did feel like a scene from Home Alone with us running through the airport to get to the gate in time.

We started our trip in AZ with a visit to "Pump It Up." It's this crazy play place with huge inflatable slides and jumping places. Kerala really loved it - especially when Troy felt well enough to participate (he threw his back out the night before we left). When we got to Kim's house we had a quick lunch and then Kerala was off to nap. After lunch, Kim had a very fun activity of finger and feet painting. It was a ton of fun and Kerala really enjoyed herself. We even had Kian do a couple of foot prints.


On Friday, we headed over to Uncle Kyle's mom's house for a fun day in her pool. Kerala loved playing with her cousin Macline and has actually been asking about him since we have returned home. Again, Kian basically slept.

On our last day, we enjoyed a great day at the AZ Science Center, which included a visit to the planetarium. Kian actually really enjoyed the planetarium. He was awake the entire time and loved looking up at the stars. The only funny thing was that it was a toddler story hour and the presenter did not know his audience. He kept telling jokes that were a bit over the kids' heads and his stand up routine went on way too long. It was just funny because you could see all of these kids squirming in their seats.

While we were visiting Kim and Kyle's we were treated with gourmet meals every night. Kyle is a chef and Kim and Kyle let us pick the menu about a week before. Kerala had her first experience with scallops and loooovvvveed them. She ate about 1 1/2 scallops which is just amazing. Overall, it was a fabulous trip and we can't wait to go back.

Since we have been back we have had a break through with potty training. Tonight, Kerala asked to go potty three times and went all three times (although she was straining pretty hard the last time). It's crazy how fast the kids are growing up - I can't believe we are on the verge of potty training Kerala. Kian has rolled a few times from back to belly, which we are very excited about. He also will laugh a ton if you pretend like you are eating his belly.
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