This past week has been really fun with Kerala. Kerala went to her first movie this week. One of the local theatres hosts a mommy and me movie, so we went with Tamra and Silas last Tuesday to the movies. We saw a movie about a lawyer who has a baby and decides to stay home.... We also hung out with two very pregnant friends of ours - Lara, who is due this coming week, and Julie, who is due in the first week of June. It was pretty cute because when Kerala would cry Lara's baby would kick.
We had a pretty busy weekend - Saturday we helped our friends JT and Tamra build a patio. Troy worked on the patio while I did baby/toddler duty - Silas, Kerala and Henry. Fortunately, Silas and Kerala slept for a good part of the day, so I got to play with Henry a lot. JT and Tamra took us out to dinner to thank us and it was the first time we had Kerala out to dinner. She slept through most of the dinner, so it was definitely a dining out success. On Sunday, Troy started a new game with Kerala called "Baby Chuck Norris." He basically has her kick his face and fight the evil ninjas - surprisingly, she really seems to like it. We also headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Perry's on Sunday for dinner and Kerala had a nice visit with her grandparents. On Monday, we hosted a play date with Dave, Kristy, Valerie Violet (Kerala's BFF), Rollie, Robin and Rachel. Having Rollie over made us realize we definitely have a lot of baby proofing to do on our house. We wrapped up the holiday weekend with a bbq at our friends Tiffany and Mike's house.
Over the past week Kerala has started to really play with her toys - she is grabbing things and holding onto things pretty well. She even picked up a rattle (but I think it was because it was close to her hands). Our most exciting event of the week though was a giggle we got out of Kerala. Troy was blowing on her belly while changing her diaper and she started to giggle - hopefully, we will have more of those.
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