This past week went by pretty quickly. It was my last week of vacation before starting my
summer intern. This week Kerala had a number of friends come and visit. Henry and Tamara
stopped by on Tuesday for dinner. On Wednesday Kristy stopped by with Valerie Violet and they
hung out for a bit. Then on Thursday we watched Kerala's uncle, Ryan, win a new jeep on Wheel of Fortune.
We also had our new refrigerator installed on Thursday as well.
On Saturday we took it easy because it was Kerala 2 month check up. This included having four shots, two
in each thigh. She handled the shots pretty well but was tired and a bit fussy for the evening. Her
poor thighs have bumps where the shots were given, but she was smiling and happy for Saturday night and Sunday.
Kerala has had a growth spurt and is now in the 90% for height and 25% for weight.
On Sunday, Kerala welcomed Camille, Tom and Monette. Kerala and Camille hung out with each other while the parents ate
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