Kerala had a pretty busy day today - she hosted a playdate with two of her new friends, Jonah and Andrew. Both babies are about two weeks old and it was crazy to see the difference 3 months makes. Kerala was super happy and didn't really fuss at all during the playdate - a huge change from the first playdate she hosted. Kerala's busy day wrapped up with a dinner with our friend JT.
Kerala has officially moved from 0-3 month clothes to 3-6 month clothes. I am super psyched because she has a ton of cute clothes in this size that I have been dying to put on her. She can still fit into some of her 0-3 month clothes, but now she has a ton of more options, which is very exciting. Lately I have been trying to get Kerala to nap in her crib. Normally she won't go to sleep unless I lay down with her. Today, she did one of her morning naps in her crib and I am hoping that she will begin to take her afternoon nap in her crib as well. We still don't have much of a schedule, but I understand that babies don't really get on a nap schedule until about 4 months. I have been trying though to track when she seems to naturally be tired and hopefully we can work a schedule around that. Also, lately I have noticed that Kerala sleeps with one eye open - my friend Tiffany had noticed this before, but she didn't seem to do it around me until lately. While we seem to have our evening routine down pretty well, the last few nights have been pretty hard sleep wise. Kerala seems to wake up every two hours or so until about 3:00am. Hopefully, she will get back onto a longer stretch of time soon.