This week Kerala and I went to another music class. It went quite well until the last song when Kerala started crying really loud. The teacher was very sweet and tried to convince me that she was crying in pitch. After the music class, Troy met us down at our friend Chrissy's house for dinner with her and her son. It was wonderful - we love having the home cooked meals. On Wednesday, Ushma, one of my college roommates, stopped by to visit with me and Kerala. It was really great to catch up since it had been a super long time since we had seen each other. It was also nice for Ushma to meet Kerala since I call and e-mail Ushma questions about her all of the time (Ushma is a pediatrician and told me I could call/e-mail questions whenever, which is constantly). On Wednesday evening we stopped by our friends Julie and Chris' house to visit their 4 day old son Jonah - I can't believe Kerala was ever that small! It's crazy to see her next to newborns and realize how much she has grown. We had a really nice dinner with Julie and Chris. There son is really cute.
Today was a very exciting day for us because my sister and neice were in from California. Kerala loved hanging out with Auntie Heather and was very enthralled with her cousin Hannah. We had a really nice visit with Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Heather, cousin Hannah and my parents neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. McGrier. Heather and Hannah will be here for a week so we plan on doing a couple of play dates before they leave.
This week we have also started an evening routine where we give Kerala a bath and then get her ready for bed. She has been going down so well - I kind of wish we would have started the routine a month ago. We start getting her ready for bed about 7:30 and by 8:00 she is sound asleep. Also, last night Kerala woke up around 11:00pm and as I was heading down to check on her we heard her crib aquarium turn on and then we didn't hear another sound out of Kerala until she woke up around 2:00 for her feeding. I don't think she knows how to turn it on yet, but at least we know that it does sooth her. -
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