Today Kerala and I had our first yoga class together. We met up with Tamra and Silas at a local yoga studio for mommy and baby yoga. Kerala seemed to really enjoy the first half of the class. The instructor taught us some stretches for the babies which Kerala really enjoyed. I taught them to Troy this evening and he spent about 15 minutes this evening doing yoga with Kerala. As I mentioned, Kerala liked the first half of the class. She got really fussy during the second half of the class. I was able to calm her down by sitting with her on an exercise ball and slightly bouncing. So many people recommended this to us and I must say it really does work - she went from screaming to sleeping in about a minute.
The other big thing of the day was that Kerala was laughing pretty hard at Troy this evening. He kept making these really silly noises and faces and she thought it was histarical. We have never seen her laugh like that so it was really sweet. Lately, she has been making a ton of new noises and is much more verbal. She has been so talkative that last night I thought she was awake at around midnight but it turned out to be her cooing in her sleep. It was pretty sweet.
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