Since last Tuesday, Kerala has had a pretty fun week. On Wednesday, we headed out for a walk with Tamra and Silas. It was really beautiful weather so it was nice to get out and about. On Thursday, we had our friends Jim and Brandy over for dinner. Dinner started with Kerala sleeping, but then she woke up. We had her up for a little bit and then we spent the next two hours trying to get her back to sleep. Lately, it's been harder to get her to go to and stay asleep. We are working on getting her to go down at the same time every night, but that's been a bit of a challenge.
On Friday, Kerala and I hung out around the house. Friday evening, Troy went to the eye doctor for a follow up on his eye. The pain is basicallly gone, but he still has blurry vision due to scarring on his cornea. Hopefully the scarring will go away and his vision will be back to normal.
Saturday was Kerala's first visit to the zoo. Kerala and I went to Brookfield Zoo with Aunt Julie and Uncle Ralph. Unfortunately, I forgot to take photos, but Uncle Ralph did capture her first visit on video, which we can't wait to see. After the zoo, we stopped by Grandma and Grandpa Perry's. This visit was very nice other than when a couple of cicadias landed on me. Saturday evening we went to our friends JT and Tamra's for a bbq. A couple of our friends at the bbq could really tell a difference in Kerala in just one week - they said she has really gone from being a newborn to a baby. We wrapped up the week with dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Perry's.
This week Kerala had really started to put a lot more things in her mouth. As you will see in the photos, she loves to chew on the duck rattle that Aunt Heather sent her. She also is putting a lot more weight on her legs - sometimes we just hold her up for balance. She still hates tummy time, but her head is getting really strong. She has also been laughing a lot more - she likes to laugh at funny noises or if you munch on her belly. It's super cute.
Finally, her birth announcment will be coming out shortly. We did the "photo shoot" today and we just need to finish it up.
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