Kerala has been rolling like crazy lately. Up until today, she had only rolled from back to tummy once, but today she did it about 10 times in a row. It was pretty darn cute. Also, Kerala has learned to suck in air and make these crazy sounds. I am happy she did it during the day because if I heard it at 4:00am over the monitor it would have freaked me out. She is also giggling more and today I got a belly laugh out of her.
Since our last post, we went to our first pilates class. Kerala seemed to enjoy it a ton until she got a bit tired towards the end. For most of the moves, Kerala sits on my tummy so we can look at each other which she likes. On Tuesday, we had another music class. Kerala did really well - we went through the entire music class and dinner at Chrissy and Sean's without any crying. Also, during class Kerala was talking a ton - usually she is pretty quiet during the class, but this week she squealed a lot. Again, this week I had to sing in front of the class! On Wednesday, Troy's mom came for a visit. It was great - she cleaned our house and did our laundry in between playing with Kerala. Tomorrow we head off to yoga class with our friend Lara and her son Andrew.
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