Kerala had her 4 month appointment today. Poor girl - she had to have four shots. Other than her face turning beet red and crying for a few seconds, Kerala did really well. She calmed down as soon as we held her and was actually even smiling before we left the exam room. The doctor said she is doing great - she is steadily gaining weight and is still 25% for weight. Her percentage for height dropped from 75% to 50-75% but the doctor said she kind of expected that Kerala wouldn't be as tall as her initial measurements indicated. We also go the go ahead to use an exercauser with her. The doctor also gave us some tips on getting her to nap longer - basically Kerala will only nap for about 30 to 45 minutes if she naps in her crib. If I let her nap in our bed she typically will nap for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. The doctor said to go ahead and let her sleep in the bed because it's probably just her signal that she wants to be close to me rather than be in a crib. The doctor also said that she thought this would probably pass when I go back to work. After the appointment, Kerala slept from 11:00am until about 2:30. When she woke up she was really fussy so I gave her a bit more tylenol because it seemed like her legs were really bothering her. She took two more naps and then went down about 8:15. We heard a couple of whimpers out of her, but she seems to be sleeping pretty well.
The last two nights we have tried to put Kerala down while she is still a bit drowsy rather than rocking her completely to sleep. Last night worked a bit better than tonight, but overall she seems to be getting better at going to sleep on her own.
I forgot to mention in our last blog that Troy made his own root beer. He is still working with recipes. The first batch was a bit strong and we really couldn't stomach it, but he is going to try again.
Hey guys, glad you are doing well. This is going to sound weird but try a worn t-shirt of Corey's in the crib with her. She may be missing your smell. When she goes to daycare, she'll need to be able to sleep in the crib and this may help. With Carys I took a t-shirt of mine to her daycare for the first few weeks.
Duh, it came to me this AM that you guys are doing a Nanny. Well maybe it will work anyways.
Take Care
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